The Drinkall Times

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Still here

Hmm, it appears to have been a little while since I blogged. This is because I've been busy. Such is life. Here is a quick recap of important events in the past few weeks:

Jess has gone away for a week to Bude in Cornwall on an adventure week with her school during half-term. She left on Saturday at 9:15, so at 9:00 we got in the car, drove to the school and found nobody there. Brief panic set in... what if it was 8:15 and she'd missed the coach? So we drove home again and read the letter again and found out she left on Sunday, not Saturday. Whoops. Still, better a day early than a day late!

I've bought a Playstation 3 and it's brilliant. And I'm ordering a new HD TV to go with it tommorow. We're selling our current one to a co-worker of Ele's. She didn't want to sell it (neither did I), but realistically there's nowhere to put it in our house, so selling it was the sensible thing. It cost us about £3000 when we bought it 3 years ago, and we're getting £350 for it which is initially a depressing thought. But then the new one is only costing £700 (how much they've dropped in price is astonishing) so after the £350 we're getting for the old one it's only costing £350 for the new one, which makes it all very cheap. At least, that's how I've justified it.

Joe will soon be 2. I really can't believe that. On one hand it seems that we've not had him long enough for him to be 2, and on the other hand I can't really remember life without him. I think the point here is that kids addle your brain. We're having a party for him but it looks like hardly anyone can come, largely because we only sent out invitations about 2 weeks before the date. Still, makes the party cheaper for us to throw.

Work is a bit rubbish. I'm working on some reasonably interesting things, but having to access everything from another office and it's so s-l-o-w to get anything done. It's really frustrating and unproductive when everything you change then requires a 10 minute wait to see if it worked or not. Plus there's hardly anyone left now which makes it a bit depressing. Still, we're having a lunchtime curry next week. Always a good thing!
