The Drinkall Times

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Yes, we're still here

Oops. I've been a bit lax at updating this recently. But in my defence, nothing much interesting has happened recently. I mean there was the alien landing in our back-garden, the multi-million pound lottery win, the invitation to meet the Queen and the fact that I was unexpectedly chosen for the England football team, but as I said, nothing really worth writing about.

We've finally put our Christmas decorations up, so the house is all festive once again. Joe hasn't even pulled the tree down yet. He was quite keen to take the baubles off when we were putting them on, but then I gave him a couple of bows to put on the tree himself and he was quite happy doing that.

He understands EVERYTHING you say now. Give him an instruction and he'll do it. I'm hoping to teach him to do the ironing before long.

The days are dragging now. It's funny, you look at the calendar to work out how much shopping time you have left and it's "Eek! Only 2 shopping days left!". Then you look at how many days of work you have left, and it seems like Christmas is miles away still. There's only really this coming weekend left for shopping, but I've got 8 days of work, plus today, to get through still. Still, I get ten or so days off over the duration.

As I said, not a lot has happened. We've been shopping, spent loads of money but somehow don't seem to have bought enough yet. We bought a new printer, the same one my parents bought a few weeks ago (we always seem to end up buying the same things!). It scans and photocopies as well, so it's quite useful. Our gas meter decided it didn't want to dispense any gas yesterday morning, so I had to wait for British Gas to come around. They said it'd be up to 4 hours, and they came at 3 hours and 59 minutes. Still, they weren't late and he fixed it within about 5 minutes so we have heating and hot water again - always good in December!

I got angry with Barclaycard as they stopped my card because I was a whole one day late paying the bill. Two weeks before Christmas and they cut the card off because the payment was a single day late! It's not like I'm a bad payer or anything and I always pay it on time. Just this time I forgot. Hopefully it's working again now, but I wouldn't be suprised because I gave them a bit of an earful on the phone. A supervisor was supposed to call me back within 2 hours but didn't.

That's about it for now. I'll try and write again before the end of the year!
