The Drinkall Times

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The highlight of last week was rushing Joe off to A&E. He suddenly flared up in red blotches all over his body when we took him out of the bath. He'd been sucking on a Double Decker wrapper just before, and when we checked the wrapper it said "May contain nuts", so Ele called the medical insurance helpline and they said to take him in just incase.

So, we walked over to A&E (it's sometimes good living this close to a hospital) he was looked over and given the all clear. It had died down almost completely before they saw him anyway. So, scare over. The best bit was there was some kind of building work going on and the path to A&E was blocked off with a sign reading "Use Main Doors". We went to the main doors and they were shut with a sign saying "If these doors are shut, use A&E entrance." We eventually found a way in!

Other news is it's my birthday today! We're not doing much though. Ordering a pizza for dinner is about it. We're having a BBQ on Sunday at my mums though.



At 10:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Neil!


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