The Drinkall Times

Friday, June 23, 2006

Yay! A quiet week!

Finally, a week that wasn't too hectic. And with a bit of luck the weekend will be fairly normal too.

Jessica had her filming on Saturday and Sunday, She did quite a lot on Saturday but not so much on Sunday, where she got quite bored. Mind you, she had to be there at 8am which for a Sunday is frankly ridiculous. What was really annoying was that I'd eaten breakfast before I went and only when I got there did I discover the free catering van serving all sorts of fried delights. Humph.

Ele's Aunt and two cousins came down from Leicester on Saturday, so we spent it sitting on the patio at her mums flat. We even put the paddling pool out with a bit of water in it for Joe and Anise (Don't tell the water company! That inch of water could have hydrated a hundred familes for a week!). We lent her pregnant cousin a load of baby stuff (Joe's old car seat, his Bumbo seat, tons of clothes and some other bits and pieces). They were just sitting in our eves doing nothing so it's good that somebody else can get some use out of them.

Work has been fairly quiet too. I'm about to start a new project with my new-found Java skills which will be interesting. It's only at the planning and analysis stages (think drawing lots of diagrams on a whiteboard), but it's not a big project so this won't take too long.

Apart from that, it's been fairly quiet really, although Joe has developed a habit of waking at 4:30. He has now got 2 teeth though, so this is probably the reason. He went till 5:30 this morning, so a bit of an improvement.

Tonight our friends Caroline & Ian are coming over for dinner, which is nice. The weekend is fairly empty, apart from Sunday which will be the normal rush of Stagecoach/Tesco's/Lunch, with the added bonus of England vs Equador. I've been saving my new "England" t-shirt (fathers day pressie) for that day!



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