The Drinkall Times

Monday, July 03, 2006

The non-exploding tumble drier

That's right. Last week our tumble drier didn't explode. You may think this is normal behaviour, and you'd be right, but I think it came close. It started emitting some very loud, house-shaking clonking noises, which got progressively louder and louder, until we decided that perhaps they weren't going to go away, so we switched it off. The top of the drier was red hot. I think the bearings or something had gone, but I know sod all about mechanical stuff.

So, Saturday morning was spent hunting down a replacement. We tried a couple of shops and nearly ended up buying a new fridge as well. In the end, we backed down on the fridge, even though it was £100 cheaper in Comet than in Currys, mainly because they wouldn't give us a deal for buying a tumble drier and fridge together (incidentally the tumble drier was £20 cheaper in Currys, not Comet - so it pays to shop around!). I think the sales manager recognised me from our Camcorder saga of a few weeks ago, so I didn't fancy our chances of getting a discount anyway. So we went back to Currys and bought the tumble drier from there, even though Comet were happy to price-match. In the end we bought a slightly better drier, as we figured we were saving money by not buying a new fridge, not that we had intended to in the first place! The best bit was we could fit it in the back of the new car, so saved £20 delivery and were able to take it there and then.

Then the footie... damn penalties! It's a rubbish way to decide a match (of course I might not be saying that if we'd actually scored some. Somebody needs to tell the players that if they kick it into the air a bit and not along the ground then the goalkeeper has a far lower chance of saving it!). I hate that Cristiano Ronaldo guy. Ele calls him "Monkey Boy", and I couldn't help shouting "Punch him in the face" at the TV everytime somebody tackled him. I hope Rooney gives him a good thumping when he gets back to Manchester. He'll probably leave Man U now though to avoid it. Stupid cissy boy. I bet he gets picked on at United for being a real whiney girls blouse and always finds his mobile phone has been hidden or his laces tied together or something.

Anyway, Euro qualifiers start in a couple of months. Will be interesting to see if Beckham features... I bet he does (if he's recovered from his injury), but that he kind of fades out over the next couple of years. Roll on 2008!



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