The Drinkall Times

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Oh dear, it seems to have been 2 months since I last updated this blog. That's appalling. I shall find out who is responsible for this delay and fire them immediately. It simply isn't good enough.

I can't fill 2 months worth of entries here, partly because I'm sure it'd be very long and boring, but mainly because I can't remember most of it. Not due to excessive alcohol or anything so nice, but just due to a crappy memory.

What I do know is that Damian, Maggie & Louis came over for 3 weeks from Australia. A great time was had by all. I didn't get to see them much because I've been too busy fixing the server at Ele's office, which has taken up an inordinate amount of time. But, I earned lots of money doing it.

A lot of this money has been taken up by the purchase of our new camera (A Canon EOS 400d). Very nice camera indeed and has been put to good use already.

Back to the visit, Louis had his Christening which was interesting, and they had a few days out with Ele & Jess and the others. They went to Tower bridge and the London Dungeons, which I'm sure was good. I wouldn't know, because I was at work. They did lots of other things, too, but I don't know what.

Jess has got into Greenshaw which was our preferred school, so that's good news. She's also gone up into Scouts now.

Ele and I went away this last weekend to Stratford-upon-Avon, leaving Jess & Joe behind. With Chris, not by themselves, I hasten to add. This was largely Ele's 30th birthday present from various people, aided by some of the cash I earned to provide some spending bucks.

We had a great time. We did a geocache on the way up by a completely deserted field and river. Then we checked into our hotel and went shopping in the town. We then had a nice pub dinner in a very agreeable pub, followed by a visit to a local bar that was playing some live music. The barman tried to have a joke with me by pretending that a bottle of Budweiser and a G&T cost £7.35. I played along for a little while but then realised he was serious. We left after one drink...

The next day we went into Shakespeare's house (he wasn't home, but about a thousand Americans were), did some more shopping, went on a canal boat, watched England get humilated in the rubgy in the hotel bar (that is, we were watching it on the TV in the hotel bar, they weren't actually playing the game there), then went out for dinner and for a night-time lantern-lit tour around Shrieve's house, which is one of the most haunted buildings in England, apparantly. It's been on Most Haunted and everything. Ele was really scared, but not as much as another girl on the tour. I wasn't scared, more nervy, but I must say at one point my legs did feel really cold. Spooky indeed.

The day that after we came home. We were going to stop in Chipping Norton for lunch, but it was hailing like mad, so we just went home instead.


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