The Drinkall Times

Monday, November 06, 2006


Last week was Joe's first birthday! We can't believe it's been a year already since he joined our lives.

We filled the lounge with balloons and he had great fun playing with them; probably more than he did with his presents! He got all sorts of nice things and I took the day off work to spend with him.

On Saturday we had his party at my parents house which was great. About 30 people came in total and he got even more presents. He was a very spoiled little boy!

He's walking loads now and looks really cute whilst doing it.

Steve, Tessa, Amy & Neve came down for a suprise visit with Jess on Sunday which she loved. They all went to a zoo and then to a firework display. It was hard convincing her to do her homework on Friday night, but we couldn't tell her the actual reason.



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